Date: Fir, Jan 22, 2023
Introducing Emirates Arabic Pro 6.0
Order eArbic Pro 6.0 Now

An Arabic Language Proficiency Test for the Pro
Monitor yourself and your progress. Get results and learn.

Interface tools layout eArabic Pro 6.0
This Arabic language proficiency test is intended to help the student evaluate his or her level of comprehension and memorization of contents in this Arabic language study program. The materials of this test were developed from the program's main curriculum, and this unique test is made in the form of a simple game with multiple choice answers. The test will remind the students of what they studied, and it will help confirm their knowledge. The materials should benefit student prior to taking an actual Arabic language proficiency test, joining the work field in an Arabic speaking environment, or as a refresher.
Interface tools layout eArabic Pro 6.0 This Modern Standard Arabic proficiency test includes an over 1,000 questions with more than 5,000 TRUE and FALSE answers. The test was developed for the benefit of Intermediate and Advanced Arabic language students. You can try it as a REVIEW or as a FINAL TEST.

The test also provides a Progress Report for each test. Proficiency Progress Reports can be commented by the teacher and saved on the desktop, as well as they can be e-mailed online for review of the results.

Enjoy it, and good luck with your study.